Friday, September 12, 2008

Gimme an I! Gimme a K! Gimme an E and A!

let us all shout for joy as the news breaks across the land....IKEA is coming to Colorado! according to the denver post, ikea will be coming to centennial (south of denver) sometime in the forseeable future. with news like this, the question remains: can trader joes be far behind? dare we to hope??


Christy said...

I love IKEA, and TJs - you should just move over here.

As for the bathroom-locking, don't they just manage to pull that stuff when you REALLY REALLY need them not to? Never when you're just home for the day hanging out.

Anonymous said...

OOOO!! i love Ikea, and TJs!! I hope they come through for ya!

alpineflower said...

Hooray! That's the best news I've heard in weeks! Although until Colorado allows grocery stores to sell liquor, we won't be getting TJ's anytime soon. :( At least, that's the rationale I've heard.

christy said...

i thought they just passed something to get rid of the blue laws in colorado? is the grocery store thing different?